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System Parachains: An Introduction to Governance-Allocated Parachain Slots

The Polkadot network has a number of teams developing parachains, each optimized for its own domain. These parachains specialize in smart contracts, identity, DeFi, robotics, bridges, and more.


Rococo V1  -  A Holiday Gift to the Polkadot Community

The Rococo-V1 Parachains Testnet is live. Rococo is a public testnet, maintained by Parity Technologies and the community, aimed towards testing both the parachains consensus process itself and parachains built by the community.


Obtaining a Parachain Slot on Polkadot

Parachains are specialized shards of Polkadot that give projects and their communities agency over their respective goals.


Introducing Rococo: Polkadot’s Parachain Testnet

We reached a significant step towards implementing parachain functionality on Polkadot – we launched a new testnet specifically designed for parachains and their related technologies, dubbed Rococo. The Rococo testnet integrates Polkadot with Cumulus and HRMP.


The Path of a Parachain Block

Polkadot guarantees valid state transitions for its member parachains. Beneath the surface, an orchestra of nodes, from validators and collators to fishermen and full nodes, play their parts to deliver parachain blocks to the final Relay Chain.