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Polkadot Launch

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W3F Initiates Launch: Polkadot is Live

Polkadot’s highly-anticipated release follows three years of intense development work. Mainnet launch builds on the success of Kusama canary network release in 2019.


Explaining the Polkadot Launch Process

The Polkadot network will have a phased roll-out plan, with important milestones toward decentralization marking each phase in the process.


Polkadot Launch Announcement: COVID-19 Considerations

Polkadot development continues to progress rapidly, and we're pleased with the proven track record the technology has developed with the launch of Kusama last summer. The Polkadot codebase has undergone a series of audits since late 2019, and we expect to release the results of these security assessments as we progress through Polkadot's launch. Over the past few weeks, we have been closely monitoring the progress of COVID-19 through our communities. In light of the pandemic, we'll be re-evalua