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Innovate without boundaries - Agile Coretime

Polkadot’s Agile Coretime will give you access to the right amount of blockspace for every stage of growth.

Polkadot coretime

Never overpay for blockspace again

Agile Coretime makes sure blockspace resources are optimally allocated across the entire network.

Bulk coretime

can be purchased in advance and automatically renewed to prevent spiking fees.

On-demand coretime

can be purchased in small amounts to remove entry barriers.

Coretime on secondary markets

can be traded to allow for even better resource allocation.

On-demand coretime

Get ideas to market fast

Spin up your proof of concept quickly with full access to Polkadot’s entire ecosystem, without large upfront investments.
Bulk coretime

Grow sustainably

Future-proof your project through predictable pricing. Secure Bulk coretime at a fixed price to prevent spiking fees during high demand. Bulk coretime provides a solid foundation for your long-term business plans, allowing sustainable growth.
* Value for illustrative purposes only. The actual renewal bump is subject to on-chain governance.
Secondary markets

Maximally cost-effective

Trade coretime on secondary markets. Optimize your expenses by selling access coretime on secondary marketplaces.
Purchase coretime

Get started

Agile coretime is currently being fine-tuned and audited.

Coretime will be managed on the Coretime Chain, which serves as a marketplace for all things coretime.

Coretime functions can be accessed either programmatically (e.g. over XCM, or interacting with the Coretime Chain via Polkadot JS libraries), manually e.g. on the Coretime Chain or via XCMs from the parachain), or via a user interface (such as Region X’s coretime interface*).

Purchasing coretime for the first time?

Coretime will be the means by which the Polkadot resources can be accessed. Guides and how-tos on how to purchase coretime will be published soon. Check back here or on the wiki.

Ecosystem teams like Lastic and Region X are also working on secondary marketplaces to buy and sell coretime.*

Already running on Polkadot?

Existing parachain slots will be migrated to the Coretime Chain automatically and given a lease. The end of the existing slots will be converted to a timeslice in the future, at which point the core can be renewed at the bulk coretime market rate. The parachain will be on the core until the sale interlude after its lease ends, to allow interruption-free usage.

* This list does not constitute an endorsement and is not exhaustive of all coretime trading options available. Always do your own research before interacting with ecosystem applications. If your application fulfills this criteria and is not listed here, contact